Integrating the Meatmaster breed into a farming system focused primarily on wool sheep, such as Merinos, can significantly increase the carrying capacity of the farm and improve overall profitability. Known for their indiscriminate grazing habits and herd grazing behaviour, Meatmasters provide a valuable addition, particularly in field management and improving pasture quality.

Increased Carrying Capacity Through Indiscriminate Grazing

Unlike selective eaters who often focus on high-quality, palatable plant species, Meatmasters consume a broader variety of plants. This feature is essential in the management and balancing of rangeland ecosystems. By utilizing less palatable and often stubborn plant species, Meatmasters prevents these tough plants from taking over the pasture, which can reduce the biodiversity and overall nutritional value of the field.

In environments dominated by selective grazing wool sheep, less desirable plants can become dominant, degrading the quality of the pasture over time. Meatmasters helps control these species without the need for chemical herbicides, promoting a healthier, more diverse plant ecosystem. This ecological management helps to increase the carrying capacity of paddocks, making it possible to keep more animals per hectare compared to field grazed only by selective grazers.

Natural High-Pressure Grazing

The herd grazing behaviour of Meatmasters mimics high-intensity, planned grazing systems where livestock are concentrated in a specific area for a short period before being moved to fresh pasture. This method naturally improves soil fertility through more evenly distributed manure and urine, which improves soil moisture retention and structure. Furthermore, the trampling associated with herd grazing helps improve seed-to-soil contact, which increases the germination rates of various grasses and plants.

For farmers who rely solely on wool sheep, the inclusion of Meatmasters can achieve this natural high-pressure grazing without the need for extensive infrastructure changes such as movable fences. The effect can lead to a denser, more developed bio-mass, capable of supporting more animals in subsequent years.

Impact on Water Use and Plant Dynamics

The non-selective grazing patterns of Meatmasters can have a positive effect on the efficiency of water use on the farm. By reducing the dominance of lower-quality, often hardy plants that can hijack water sources, these sheep help conserve water. Higher-quality plants, which generally have better root systems for water absorption and soil health, can thrive, creating a more efficient cycle of water use that benefits the entire grazing system.

Less nutritious plants often develop into unusable bushes that use only the water and shade the areas around them, causing nothing to grow. These bushes and plants must be eaten.

Improving Farm Profitability Through Species Diversification

By incorporating Meatmasters into a wool-based sheep farm, it diversifies the agricultural outputs and economic streams. While wool provides a steady income, the addition of Meatmasters allows farmers to enter the meat market more deeply. Meatmasters are known for their rapid growth rates, efficient feed-to-meat conversion, and adaptability, resulting in rapid returns on investment.

Their hardiness means they can thrive in conditions where more delicate wool breeds might struggle, reducing the overall risk of livestock farming. The addition of the Meatmaster in limited numbers does little to compete with the current carrying capacity of the farm and can easily be expanded to an additional 15 percent of wool sheep’s numbers. In many cases, wool sheep use only 50 percent of the bio-mass whereas non-selective grazers use up to 80 percent. 15 percent is therefore a safe number to work towards. At current land prices, 15 percent of free grazing is not to be trifled with, and the field as a whole is upgraded over time.

Hair contamination

One of the most effective methods of both managing vegetation and minimizing the risk of hair infestation in wool is through the implementation of a successional grazing strategy. This strategy involves Meatmaster sheep grazing behind wool sheep, using the distinctive grazing patterns of different sheep breeds to benefit pasture management, while effectively keeping their fibers separated.

Benefits of Successive Grazing

  1. Improved Pasture Management: Successive grazing can lead to better pasture health and sustainability. Wool sheep, being selective eaters, typically consume the higher-quality forage. Following them with Meatmasters, which are non-selective eaters, ensures that the tough, less desirable vegetation is also eaten. This approach can help control invasive plants and reduce the build-up of unwanted plants, contributing to the overall health of the field.
  2. Reduced Risk of Contagion: By allowing a time slot between grazing wool and hair breeds on the same pasture, you minimize the risk of wool contamination. Hair from Meatmasters, which can potentially mix with wool during shearing or handling, will have time to break down or be removed by environmental elements (such as wind or rain) before wool sheep return to the same pasture.

I trust that the above points can be of value in farming enterprises where the grazing capacity just needs to be able to contribute that extra bit to make the sum add up.


